Volunteer Testimonial

The homeless population has grown tremendously in our city over the past few years.  You can now find rows of tents lined up under bridges, under the bushes on the freeway, on freeway off ramps, etc. and there appears to be no end in sight for them.  Some may look and judge these people and their circumstances, while others put their hands to the plow and lend a helping hand.  The latter is where you will find The Harvest Is Right, Inc.

The Harvest Is Right, Inc. is determined to provide help to the hopeless and food to the hungry, one meal at a time. Marlo Accius, the founder and visionary of The Harvest Is Right, Inc., has a deep passion for feeding the hungry.  On several occasions, I have had the privilege of working with Marlo and her team as we put together meals, jump in our cars and drive downtown and other areas to provide meals to those who need them. We have fearlessly walked into the heart of homeless areas, going tent to tent offering food and water until we were all out of our surplus. And even then, if Marlo could, she would go back, prepare more food, and go right back out there to serve again. Her compassion is second to none and her desire to serve provides the determination needed to continue the mission of helping others, one meal at a time. I am honored and humbled to serve with Marlo and The Harvest Is Right, Inc.


An Awakening


Our Story